Creating an Effective Advisory Committee for Your Online Community
An advisory committee is one of the most valuable assets for guiding complex or transformative projects and building stakeholder support. This is especially true when establishing an online community. Within these committees, project objectives and progress are established, evaluated, and refined. Diverse perspectives, expertise, and insights converge to strengthen the initiative. But when should you form an advisory committee, and what's the most effective approach? More specifically, how can your association organize an effective advisory committee when developing an

Advisory Committees: Guiding Project Evolution
- Building internal and external stakeholder buy-in
- Challenging assumptions and strategic decisions
- Offering expert recommendations
- Facilitating collaborative co-creation to achieve meaningful outcomes
Establishing an effective advisory committee requires thoughtful consideration. Members must maintain sufficient objectivity to evaluate the project impartially while feeling empowered to express contrarian viewpoints or unconventional perspectives. Essentially, you're institutionalizing constructive criticism and guidance in a way that enhances project outcomes beyond what would be possible otherwise.
This doesn't mean every project warrants an advisory committee (quite the contrary). However, for complex initiatives with organization-wide impact, an advisory committee can provide valuable periodic feedback from stakeholders closely aligned with your organization.
Achieving the right composition of advisory committee members is crucial. When forming your group, consider these essential questions:
- What are the project's primary objectives?
- What specific purpose will the advisory committee serve?
- Which stakeholder perspectives must be represented in the group?
- What expertise should members contribute?
- What initial and ongoing role will each participant play?
Balanced Composition
Imagine you work for an association and want to establish an online community. You decide to form an advisory committee to generate support and organize feedback. How should you approach this?
When assembling an advisory committee, it's advisable to include participants with diverse roles within the association. This provides varied perspectives and establishes a solid foundation of support for the online community. This support is crucial and often overestimated. The benefits of an online community are immediately obvious to everyone, right? These advantages are frequently taken for granted, resulting in limited explanation of why an online community adds value to an association. However, this approach overlooks potential resistance when introducing an online community. Resistance may arise because staff members worry about increased workload, or because they don't recognize the community's value. Opposition can also emerge from changes whose purpose isn't clearly articulated. This scenario applies to many types of projects—which is precisely why an advisory committee is so important.
To prepare your association for transformations like implementing an online community, an advisory committee with participants in various roles is essential. Diverse roles ensure a variety of opinions, knowledge, insights, and ideas. Ideally, this committee consists of 8 to 10 people, including:
- Operations Director
- Association Board Member
- Administrative Staff
- Database Administrator
- Various Association Members
- Potential External Professional
Balanced Collaboration
While a diverse advisory committee is important, it won't always be easy to assemble a group with participants representing different roles within the association. Sometimes individuals cannot make time due to other responsibilities, someone might be absent for a period, or they're simply unavailable because they're already involved in other projects. Therefore, ensure your list of candidates is larger than your target committee size and handle this list discreetly—nobody wants to feel like a second choice.
Don't forget to communicate project progress both internally and externally. This ensures support and transparency!
Particularly for longer-term projects, the group will likely develop into a cohesive team. This can be extremely beneficial for establishing and launching the online community. A unique culture naturally emerges within the committee. Here too, it's crucial not to lose sight of your connection with the broader association. Therefore, communicate internally (with colleagues, volunteers) and externally (with members, donors, and other stakeholders) about the project's progress. This creates transparency and involves everyone not participating in the advisory committee, further expanding support for the initiative.
Don't Forget the Critical Perspective
A critical perspective is essential for project progress. A questioning attitude within the group prevents "groupthink"—a behavioral pattern where the group conforms to each other and "follows along" without making decisions based on each individual's knowledge and expertise. This creates a risk of overly conservative action that may cause you to miss opportunities. Therefore, encourage the advisory committee to provide feedback in a constructive yet critical manner. You can facilitate this by asking targeted questions, such as what aspects the group believes could be improved, or by asking members to identify three potential risks to the project's success.
Getting started
Once your group is complete, you're ready to begin. Remain open to everyone's opinions and knowledge—this collective wisdom will guide you toward the right path. Your ultimate goal: a well-functioning, attractive, and vibrant online community (or other successful outcome!).
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15 November 2024