Vincent Stoops at Davidsfonds
Procurios has both the technical knowledge and business insight to understand what our organization needs

Raimond Fifis at MOS
Now we can give our energy to more substantive matters that contribute to a future-proof association

Martin Vastenhout at Museum Dorestad
Procurios helped us with a database for relationship management, a new website and a payment module for fundraising

Jurgen Rooijackers at Bio Holiday Resort
As a small organization, we strive for as few different systems as possible

Roland Petit dit de la Roche at Groei & Bloei
Members can now view and change their data, which saves, in time, a huge amount of time and manual work

Annette Veltman at Multiple Sclerosis Association Netherlands
All in all, our membership administration has become much more accurate

Geert van Rhee at The Dutch Association for the Judiciary
With the Procurios Platform we can manage our membership fees and everything around it very well. Much better than we ever could.

Jan Willem at MissieNederland
If we had not done this project with Procurios, we would never have been able to respond so quickly to the coronacrisis.

Stephan Loerke at World Federation of Advertisers
Many organisations think that they're unique and that off-the-shelf software such as Procurios will limit them. But in fact, it's the opposite!

Floris van Overveld at Dutch Coeliac Association (NCV)
What I particularly liked about working with Procurios, is that they really understand associations with all their peculiarities.

Dirk De Man at ZORG.tech
Procurios developed a completely new, catchy website that is appreciated by both our colleagues and our members

Grégory Marchandise at UBA
Because of Procurios our members receive personalised content, tailored to their interests; both on our website and in mailings. This leads to twice the engagement on emails.

Roel Mathies at Milieudefensie
Our dream is to eventually communicate one-on-one with all of our thousands of members. With Procurios' CRM, we are growing toward that goal.

Karin Burghouwt at Royal VEMW
By working so intensively with the Procurios team, we gained a lot of insight into how to begin, where to invest valuable time, and discovering what's truly necessary and what isn't.

Pascale Braeckman at Willemsfonds
We are very satisfied with our collaboration with Procurios and definitely recommend it to other associations: because it's one integrated system, far fewer mistakes are made

Sander Joziasse at Christ's Hope
Procurios has transformed our outreach: we now deliver tailored messages to precisely defined audience segments.

Gieneke Flohr at ChristenUnie
Because we now have all the information in one system, much more can be done automatically.

Folko de Haan at Groenlinks
The system is user-friendly and saves us a tremendous amount of work. It has a logical structure: you quickly figure out how everything works.

Bernie Hermes at VUmc
Procurios is much more than just a CRM system. Every week we discover new possibilities. The platform can do a lot and you have to do relatively little.

Liesbeth Baldee at Harteraad
Procurios proved to be the right match not only because of its affordable software and capabilities, but also because the system turned out to be very accessible to use.

Nynke de Monchy at Parkinson Vereniging
In the end, we not only have a new CRM and website, but we also purchased the other products for associations, which means we now have a completely integrated system.

Tom Ysewijn at Oxfam-Wereldwinkels
The knowledge you have in-house is worth gold! This distinguishes you from other companies we've encountered along our way.

Jeffrey Teggelove at VODN
Thanks to the Procurios platform, we can now do much more ourselves, primarily focused on communication with our members: sending invitations, organizing meetings, reserving spaces, etc.

Geert Hendriks at Adra
During the demo, we could see how the system functions; the ease of the platform really stood out! The user-friendliness, combined with the price, led us to make a positive decision.

Xander en Stefanie Rijken at Stichting Kinderhulp Afrika
When everything is integrated into a single system, it works more efficiently, more effectively, and more simply.

Jan van Velthuizen at Adullam
The switch to Procurios has contributed to clarity in the system and better communication with donors. Procurios' experience with donor management helped us with the setup.

Inge Pauwels at Solidagro
We now work faster and more efficiently. We raise more funds and can target our donors more precisely. We experience many benefits from the Procurios platform.

Anne-Lise Passelecq at Entrepeneurs for entrepeneurs
We were really looking for a system to work more efficiently. And that's when we found Procurios.

Steven de Weirdt at Aditi
Instead of managing loose pieces of paper, we now manage our CRM, website, and mailings online. Up until now, this has been working very well.

Lisette van Effrink at Foodwatch
With Procurios, I can align my marketing with my donors. I can rely on my database. The software is user-friendly and intuitive.

Marieke Florissen at Optiplus
It's so convenient that everything is in one system: the webshop, our customers, the mailing system. This makes it very easy for us to create customer selections and take actions with them, for example with mailings and discount promotions.

Sophie Bijloos at NVZD
We work well together, Procurios seeks the best quality, thinks along with you, and the system is easy to use.

Marjan Sewradj at KNCV
We have a complex membership administration and many parties said Procurios could help us. That proved to be true!

Paul Kleingeld at CPS
This is the best system we've ever had. It is very flexible and easy to work with yourself. Furthermore, the people at Procurios are very approachable and accessible.

Sarah Schubert at New York Pizza
It's enjoyable and beneficial to work at the Procurios office during development. You have such short communication lines and can better clarify your wishes.

Dirk-Bart Houweling at ECM
We had a connection. Procurios loves to innovate and delivers on that promise. They keep searching for solutions where others would give up. Everything shows that the team genuinely wants to help you succeed.