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From doubter to fan

Reach people who are not yet convinced of your social contribution. Make people fans of your association step by step, so that you can make more impact together.

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Always a next step in engagement

Meaningful interaction is essential in a world where attention for what really matters is scarce. That is why you need to know how to reach, bind and retain like-minded people. Procurios helps associations to turn doubters into fans, to make strangers feel at home with them and, with the help of technology, provides the building blocks for long-term involvement.

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Build Engagement: Everything you need for the member journey from A to Z

Involve people in your mission and make an impact thanks to the Procurios Platform for associations

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Present your story

You and your association have a wonderful mission. You want to involve people in this. That is why you present your story both online and offline.

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Connect people to your association

Your story strikes a chord. New relationships register via your website and enter your CRM. The member journey from unknown to ambassador has begun!

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Offer your relations a follow-up

Thanks to smart personal journeys, your relations become more involved. One person signs up for an event. Another becomes a member immediately. A third joins as a volunteer.

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Measure impact and engagement

The impact of your association grows! With tools to measure and analyze engagement, you improve your strategy.

Grow further: Ideal for ambitious associations

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An end to declining membership numbers?

'We see that members are really loyal thanks to the department activities of Vrouwen van Nu. However, due to the aging population, we see the number of members decreasing. With Procurios, we gain insight into the progression and we use marketing automation to stabilize the number of members in the coming period.'

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Groei & Bloei turns readers into active members

'Inspiring people in a magazine is great, but it would be a shame if people became a member of a magazine and didn't even know that there was a whole association behind it with so many activities. That's why we want to turn readers into active members.'

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Offer a next step with Marketing Automation

With Marketing Automation from Procurios you build journeys that closely match the needs and preferences of your target group. This makes your member retention a lot easier!

Discover Marketing Automation

How to map your member journey

By gaining insight into the experience members have with your association, you can better respond to their needs and expectations. This ultimately strengthens member involvement and loyalty. But how exactly do you map that experience?

Read this article

Bring members together with Communities

Connect your members, engage in conversation with your supporters or offer peers a safe environment with an online community from Procurios.

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Parkinson's Association: 'Our members are truly central'

'Everyone can subscribe to our newsletter. We follow up on registrations with marketing automation. That way we try to convince them to become a member. Our own app helps with that: people can ask questions to other people with Parkinson's. That way they really feel that they are not alone.'

Watch this video

Getting Started: Make your association future-proof with Procurios

Switching to Procurios is easy. Our professionally opinionated Procuriots help you get familiar with technology, so you can take matters into your own hands.

  • One of our business developers will visit you to give you and your colleagues a demo of our platform. Prefer an online demo? That's also possible!

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  • Are you convinced that Procurios is also the solution for your organization? Then we will inventory your wishes: which products do you purchase? Who takes care of the data migration? Do you also want a new website?

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  • Quote accepted? Then one of our customer teams will get to work with you. Our implementation consultants will work with you to create a plan for the setup, data migration and training.

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  • Your colleagues are trained, your new website is ready. Step by step you say goodbye to your old tools and the integrated Procurios platform is your new digital home base.

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Would you like to know whether Procurios can do something for your association or foundation? Please contact me!

Martijn Merkens - Business Developer + 31 343 59 60 45 LinkedIn

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