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From hoping that things will turn out well to a well-founded strategy

Test your gut feelings against real data. Measure the real impact of your membership and fundraising efforts.

Discover Insights

Insight into involvement: Adjust your strategy based on data

Meaningful interaction is indispensable in a world where attention to what really matters is scarce. That's why you need to know how to reach, engage and retain like-minded people. Insights from Procurios helps you to really get to know the people behind the data and involve them in your mission. This is how you build long-term relationships.

A selection of the features: This is how Insights works

Which figures do you want to see? By adding widgets to your personal dashboard you gain insight into your needs.

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You're starting a new fundraising campaign! Now you want to keep an eye on which marketing channels are doing well. You add a new widget to your dashboard.

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Added widgets? Drag them to your desired location on your screen and your dashboard is ready!

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Now it's a matter of monitoring. And would you like to dig deeper into the data? You can easily click through to the source data via the gear wheel.

Your preparation: making actions measurable

Do you want to get the most out of Insights? Then make sure that you make the actions you take as measurable as possible. In Engagement you link actions to campaigns, recruitment channels and themes. By referring to a registration or donation form with a promotional code, you know exactly which action led to the registration or donation. Add the promotions, campaigns and recruitment channels to your widgets and gain insight!

  • Standard part of the Procurios Platform
A screenshot of the different actions in Engagement
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Would you like to know whether Procurios can do something for your association or foundation? Please contact me!

Martijn Merkens - Business Developer + 31 343 59 60 45 martijn@procurios.eu LinkedIn

One source of truth

Because Insights is part of an integrated platform, all the data you need is immediately available!


Data-driven decisions

Because you gain better insight into what drives engagement and what doesn't, you can adjust your strategy based on hard data


Quick insight for managers

Create a dashboard for managers so that they immediately have the most important information at their disposal to determine direction

Why Procurios?: Discover the benefit of integration

When you choose Insights from Procurios, you choose an integrated product. What benefit do you get from that? We would like to summarize this for you:

Feature vergelijking
Features Insights from Procurios
Add widgets as desired You decide which data you want to display from the Procurios CRM and which users are allowed to view your dashboard(s) Aanwezig
Comparison with previous years Compare your results from several years and recognize the trends Aanwezig
Overview of outstanding invoices Thanks to Finance from Procurios, you have accurate information about the number of outstanding invoices and the expected income Aanwezig
Campaign websites with traceable origins for registrations Use the Procurios CMS for your campaign website and use URLs that say something about the reason for new registrations and profile updates Aanwezig
Track opening rates and click-through rates of mailings How well do the Mailings you send perform? And how has this evolved over time? Keep registrations, unsubscribes, bounces and more information visible on your dashboard Aanwezig
A little better every month Once every four weeks there is a new release with all updates and improvements Aanwezig
Raise, process and provide insight into donations With Donations from Procurios you get access to online donation forms, an action platform and you get access to a range of widgets for donations, pledges and forecasts. In combination with add-on
Visitors and attendance at meetings Are there enough registrations for your general membership meeting or course? And what is the ratio between registrations for meetings and no-shows? In combination with add-on
Measuring and valuing relationship commitment Rate the behavior of your members and donors with EngagementScore and create journeys based on the level of engagement Add-on product
Consultants at your disposal Our implementation consultants are happy to help you set up good dashboards Add-on service

Knowledge Base: Increase the engagement with your social organization

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