Release 2019.12
As of Wednesday 13th November 2019 every customer that uses the product version of our Procurios Platform will be using release 2019.12. Curious about the exact details of version R2019.12? This blog shows you an overview of the latest updates and changes! Have a look at our release page.

New interface for Webshop and Library
Apps: Multiple
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
Both the Webshop and Library app have received their very own, new backend interface.
For the Webshop, this also counts for the generic parts such as:
Managing coupons
Managing affiliate networks
Import functionality
Not all custom made modules are (entirely) converted to the new interface. In the near future, this will be a point of attention.
The most noticable change in the Library is a separation between Documents and Download Options (only available for admin).
Changing workspaces now happens by using the switcher on the top left hand side of the page. We’ve made some small additional changes, to create a more relaxed and professional environment. In the future, we will do some additional updates and improvements to the interface.
Furthermore, we’ve upgraded the styling for uploading documents and made it more consistent.
Improvements for searching articles
Apps: Multiple
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
In the past, you could only search for the exact names of articles. Now, when searching for ‘meeting’ in the Dutch environment, all corresponding articles will be shown. Even though the title says ‘Bijeenkomst’. When searching for ‘crm’, you will now see all snippets that are related to the CRM.
Searching document downloads and post visits
Apps: CRM
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
In a previous version we’ve added the functionality to track how often a document has been downloaded or how often a post has been read. In addition to these functionalities, we’ve added the possibility to use this as a criteria when searching the CRM.
You can also search for post visits.
Paywall options in bulk edit of a weblog
Apps: Weblog
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
In the backend list of weblog posts, it’s possible to edit all the posts at once by using a bulk edit. You can add or delete tags from all the posts that are visible in the list.
Additionally, you can now edit the paywall settings from the filtered posts. That allows you to set a large group of posts as paid or free.
Searching with ‘Is one of the following’ improvements
Apps: Multiple
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
The ‘Is one of the following’ search option allows you to quickly search for a list of options.
It wasn’t possible to use the option when searching for keywords that included spaces or other separators, such as a full name of a relation. That was because the filled in list with options was by default separated with spaces. To resolve this, you can now add quotation marks, indicating that a string of words count as a single search term. That way Jan Jansens will be read as Jan or Jansen. But when you use ‘Jan Jansen’, it will be read as Jan Jansen. Both single or double quotation marks can be used. When searching for an actual quotation mark, you can use the backslash to escape it, e.g. when searching for ‘Jan in \‘t Veld’. When searching for a backslash, you can use a double backslash. \\.
New version of the text editor (TinyMCE)
Apps: Multiple
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
Many parts of our platform us the TinyMCE as text editor. This editor has been updated to the latest version. Two security issues have been resolved that weren’t an issue for our platform. The interface of the editor has been updated too.
Type options for automatic recognition of imports
Apps: Import
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
In the app Import allows you to drag & drop files that you wish to import. This automatically determines the type, based on the offered columns. When multiple types of imports are provided, the user will be prompted to indicate which type of import if applicable.
Relation as location for meetings
Apps: Meetings & Events
Tags: /Standard, /Fundraising, /Members
When setting a location for a meeting, you can now select a relation from the CRM. When this option is enabled, the location will be filled in with the default relation and address type, based on the chosen relation.
Online donations with a QR-code
Apps: Fundraising
Tags: /Fundraising
More and more requests have been coming in to support Tikkie QR codes through direct mailing (physical letter) for donations. A good idea for lowering the threshold when donating; you scan the code and bay with your banking app. A number of parties have built a solution in order to facilitate this. Typically, the payment reference (acceptgirocode) is used to build a url that leads to Tikkie, followed by using it for the payment reference of the payment. That way, the donation is redirected to the donor. That means that a personal url is required and a landing page that processes the donation itself.
Because we want to maintain control of all these steps, we’ve created our own solution. We offer a personalised URL to the landing page, which includes the payment reference for the personalisation. The landing page offers a choice for the amount and possible payment method.
When creating payment references, you can set a landing page where the personal url should lead to. In the export for the mailing company, there is a column with the personal url, which they can transform into a QR code that is printed onto the letter. This landing page contains a ‘Donate by payment reference’ article. This article can be managed entirely.
When the donor scans the QR code, they will land on the landing page on which they can choose the donation amount and defined payment method.
The benefits of this setup:
The donations happen on your own website
Landing page can be entirely modified
Donations are immediately processed in the system
More payment method possibilities
Bulk edit for transaction descriptions for pledges
Apps: Fundraising
Tags: /Fundraising
A bulk edit in which you could change the amount and/or action in the overview of pledges was already a possibility.
In addition, we’ve added the possibility to change the transaction description for every pledge in the list.
And finally there are a number of improvements and preparations for the improvements that we’ve made in the foundation of our platform. These changes aren’t immediately visible, but will contribute in a short term to the stability and reliability of our platform.
Do you have any questions about new functionalities or improvement? Contact our service team. Even when you’re not sure what version your platform runs on, feel free to contact us. Our teams will gladly help you.