Release 2020.09

12 August 2020 8 minute read

Surely, many of you are enjoying a well deserved and hot summer break. In the meantime, we've been very busy and have loads to share.

Starting from Wednesday August 19th 2020, every customer of our Procurios Platform will be using release 2020.09. In this blog you can find an overview of the changes. Would you like to read more about our release process? Have a look on our release page.

Finance: payment info on invoices

Invoices can be paid in a few different ways, e.g. through direct debit, wire transfer or an online payment. Thus far the detail page of an invoice showed two overviews. The direct debit ones and the wire transfer ones. Online payments were not yet visible.

To improve your insights and overview of your invoices, we introduce a combination list in which next to wire transfers and direct debits, you'll also find online payment.

In the image below you will find an example of a direct debit that was revoked, after which the debtor transferred the outstanding amount manually.

The first version of the action platform!

With pride, we gladly present the first version of the action platform. As per request of one of our customers, we've started working on this action platform to receive donations earlier this year. After several improvements, we can roll out this solution for all our users.

The idea behind the action platform is that users can start an action for which they can gather donations. E.g. for performing sport tasks or in order to support a good cause.

Actions can be started in two ways;

  1. Existing users can start an action from their account
  2. New users can start an action immediately when registering

One of the challenges to realise this new solution was to understand what elements an action should need. Basic elements came to mind, such as the performer, name, motivation, target audience, etc. But we also wanted to offer plenty of freedom for specific elements that relate to a specific platform. Eventually, we chose for a default set of elements, that are expandable per platform. In the future, this default set will be expanded, based on the frequently used elements.

The actions themselves, can be shown in both a list and detail page with the default elements. When elements are not filled in, they won't be shown. Plenty of screen elements (e.g. buttons) have adjustable texts to give the action pages your very own flavor.

The actions are linked to a campaign in the implementation. You can set the fund per campaign for every action. Finally, you'll need a donation form per fun that automatically links your relation to the action.

In this release, we've included a first version of the action platform. Once new functionalities become available, you will be notified through the following release notes. We're very curious to know what your needs are. Be sure to let us know!



Memberships: new options in price calculations for subscriptions

This release includes two new options for determining the price of a subscription.

  1. Sum of two numbers. This lets you calculate a price based on two values that were added up.
  2. A free field on a linked relation. This lets you choose a relation free field and a number free field. During the invoicing, the link is followed to the relation card of the contractor and the value of the free field of that linked relation is used.

These new options are handy for associations with local departments that can choose the amount of remittance per member of their department. These subscription prices are build from a fixed price for the membership and from a specific price for the remittance. In this case, the size of the remittance is determined in a free field called 'remittance'. You can find this free field by following the link from the contractor to the corresponding 'Department'. This generic feature replaced complex custom work!


CRM: Improvements to managing lists in a view

Thus far it wasn't possible for a manager to gain insights into the private relation lists under a view. That meant that deleting views could have potential risks.

In the list of views, you will now find the number of underlying lists. Clicking on one of the, will open the overview of these lists.

In this overview the manager (given the necessary privileges) has the possibility to;

  • Edit the list properties
  • Remove the list
  • Open the list in a new tab in the CRM
  • View the relation card of the owner in the current view if possible.


CRM: Choosing organisations in Organisations and Persons

Our 'Organisations & Persons' plugin allows you to choose an organisation in a profile form. This can be used when visitors register, to create an automatic function to that organisation. When the organisation is not in the CRM, you can create one based on a predefined relation type. This relation also acted a filter when searching for an organisation in that form.

To improve the user experience of this plugin, we've added the possibility to choose organisations separately from creating ones. That means, you can offer different organisations from different relation types on your forms. You can also make a very specific collection of organisations from which your users can choose.

For every customer, the choice of organisations has been set to 'Type' and this relation type will be the same for new relations. That means there is no difference in the current behaviour.

Organisaties & Personen

Community: following channels for personalised content on dashboard

This release also includes the possibility to follow community channels. This gives a community user more grip on the content that they want to see in their dashboard. By default this overview shows every message from channels that the user has access to. Onces the user chooses one or more channels to follow, the dashboard will only show the messages of the followed channels.

Every channel has a 'follow button' that a user can click on to add the channel to their personal list of followed channels. The messages from this channel will then be included in the overview on their dashboard. Through the channel menu, users can choose to unfollow certain channels.

An additional change is that a user is added to a list of followers (previously a list of participants) that is shown on the channel information. This allows you to see which users have an active interest in the channel.

Following channels can be configured per community. When there is just one channel within a community, it's not possible to follow it. Once you add more channels, this functionality will become available.


Community: notification to follow a channel

Following channels can have a noticible impact on for the community start page. To manage the impact, we've added two notificatons to guide the participants.


When you're not following any channels yet, an announcement will become visible at the top of the homepage. This informs participants that they can follow channels and that messages from these channels will appear on their start page. Users can close this message.

When the channel menu is hidden in the lay-out of the community, there's a default button that opens the menu to help visitors find their way.


Once you follow one ore more channels the start page will show a notification that only the posts of followed channels will appear. This notification can also be closed.


The titles above the lists have been changed to 'Community Start' and 'Your Community'. 'Community' will be replaced by the name of your community.


Community: channels you follow appear on your profile

With the introduction of channel following, it's no longer relevant to see what channels you have access to. It's more relevant to know what channels a user is following, so that the participants gains more insight into each other's mutual interests.

A participant can see what channels are followed in a community profile. This list is not only visible on your own profile, but also on the profiles of other participants.

Kanalen profiel

Community: community participants manage their own email notification preferences

When following a channel, you automatically indicate that you want to receive notifications for that channel. Want to unsubscribe? You can unsubscribe from that specific channel in the menu as shown below.


Community: sorting messages

From now on the chosen sorting of messages is saved until your browser is closed. Thus far, that wasn't the case, meaning that the sorting was always set back to 'Recently active'. Even when a visitor chose 'Newest first'.


Community: Channel menu position

Since not all websites allow you to show a community across the full width of your screen, it's now possible to show the channel menu above the post list instead of the left side bar.


Community: inline video

After repeated requests to show inline videos in a post, we've gladly added the functionality. The written text of a post is now scanned on YouTube links (e.g. These links are recognized and shown underneath the post as a video when the visitor has accepted external cookies.


Community: filters of all channels visible in search

When searching in the community from the dashboard, all the filters are shown from every channel. The searchfield also shows a placeholder to indicate in which channel you're currently searching.


Community: managing email notifications is easier

To simplify managing email notification within a community, we've added a few improvements.

Every community now only has one email notification type per post type (new post, new reaction) configured. It is no longer possible to create new notifications or to remove default notifications.

Since users can now configure their own notification preferences, it's no longer necessary to configure a collection per notification.


Additional changes:

  • Import transaction files from Rabobank Omnikassa: The Rabobank Omnikassa payment integration supports importing Rabobank Omnikassa transaction files.
  • Content taken from other websites in Weblog: To avoid Google marking your copied content as 'Duplicate content', we've added the functionality to indicate that your content originates from another source. You can set a URL, which will be set as the canonical URL, thus referring to the original source.

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