Release 2021.04

25 March 2021 3 minute read

Starting from Wednesday March 31st, every customer using the production version of our Platform, will be using release 2021.04. You can find an overview of the changes in this blog. For more information on the different versions of our platform, take a look at the release page.

CRM: Improvements to password reset

We've made some changes to the password reset process, in order to make it easier to use and better to manage.

The following changes have been made;

  • You can change the page titles for the recovery pages.
  • Activation codes are no longer available in the editor. These codes will be included (automatically) in the generated url.
  • Instead of a form, a content page will appear with a default text; the text can be changed or you can set an alternative page to which the user will be redirected after their changes were made.

Wachtwoord vergeten proces

Weblog: Backup language multilingual blog

For quite some time we've supported multilingual weblogs. In the overview list of weblogs, the list was limited to blogs that were available in the active language of your website. That meant that the amount of blogs available could differ quite a bit, depending on what language you were viewing.

As a result, certain links to a list in another language would result in a 404 message (page not found). This isn't just unpleasant for visitors, but it also comes with a negative impact on your website's SE ( search engine optimization).

To counter this effect, we've created a new setting in the weblog settings that helps you indicate which backup language should be used for a blog that hasn't been translated (yet).

Backuptaal meertalig blog

Finance en Memberships: Support for relation collections for subscription discounts

When configuring subscription discounts, you can now also select relation collections and collections of individual relations. This allows you to grant the same discount to different sets of individuals, or every relation of a specific list.

Relatie collecties bij regels

CRM: Privilege Anniversary for Relation Manager

Starting from this release, we've implemented the necessary privileges for the 'Relations Manager' and the 'SuperUser' for our 'Member Anniversary' functionality.

Privilege jubilea

DKIM: Support for multiple implementations with the same domain

The DKIM support has been improved. You can now also configure the DKIM for a domain that is used in multiple Procurios platforms and is used to send emails. You can activate a subdomain with just the click of a button for your second Procurios Platform.

Customers that encounter this will now see the notification "The hostname for points to another Procurios Platform". In addition, you will see further information and instructions.


Forms & Surveys: Conditional recipients for forms

You were already able to configure multiple receivers for completed surveys. The result of a survey is then forwarded to the recipients. That meant that every recipient received the email, regardless of the filled in data.

We happily introduce the possibility to define when a recipient should get an email, based on conditions.E.g. by configuring a multiple choice free field 'Subject' on the form. Based on the chosen subject, a specific recipient will receive the email about a topic they're responsible for within your organisation.

Criteria ontvangers

Criteria ontvangers instellen

Meetings & Events: Show related meetings

With the new available snippet 'Meetings with the same tags', you can show related meetings on a weblog post or meeting detail page.

Bijeenkomsten dezelfde tags

Meetings & Events: Events in your agenda!

Under the settings of meetings, you can now also add a feed that you can import into your Google, Apple or Microsoft agendas. Every existing and new meeting (including changes) will appear automatically in your agenda.

When creating a new feed, you can indicate which tags should be considered. The feed is shown on your website using the snippet 'Meeting overview'. Through a pop-up screen, visitors will receive further instructions.

Agenda feed toevoegen

Agenda feed instellen

Agenda feed weergave website

Weblog: Merge related blogs

Related blogs can be determined by either indicating which ones are relevant in the weblog itself, or based on criteria such as tags and dates.

With this release, you will be able to use both under 'Related posts'. The manually selected posts will be shown first in the overview.

In order to use this functionality, a further change could be necessary to your UI (User Interface). Please contact our team for additional information.

Samenvoegen gerelateerde blogberichten

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