Release 2023.11

12 October 2023 7 minute read

In the course of Tuesday October 17th, 2023, all customers on the production version of the Procurios Platform will use release 2023.11. In this blog you can read all about what's new and what has been improved. For more information about the different versions of the platform, please visit the release page.

Platform: Icons renewal

In a series of visual upgrades to the Procurios Platform, we have updated the platform-wide icons. They are now part of a simplified and vector-based icon set. This ensures that the icons display sharply on any device and in any browser and makes it clearer what the icons represent. And finally, they have been aligned in terms of style.

As a user, you will immediately notice that new icons are used in the main menu and underlying module and submenus. For example, the action buttons within the CRM have also been updated. We have omitted the color here to put more emphasis on the underlying action. Status icons are the exception to this because color does add value there.
Because changing the icons can have quite an impact on the user experience, we recommend informing all your back-end users about this.

Old-style icons?
You may still encounter icons here and there in different or old style. There can be several reasons for this:

  1. The pictograms are in generic or standard modules; we simply overlooked these pictograms.
    Action: This applies to all customers and may therefore be reported via the Procurios Club. Your report is appreciated!
  2. There is an (older) different layout of the main menu.
    Action: You may create a support ticket via the Portal. Then we will adjust the main menu in line with our standard layout. (For this, compare the images in the Helpcenter).
  3. The icons are part of a custom module.
    Action: You may also create a support ticket for this via the Portal.

If you are not sure which of the above situations applies, you can always contact us by creating a support ticket.


CMS: Article type for (social media) share buttons

We recently introduced the new social media share buttons. Due to their great success and eager use, we also quickly received additional requests for them. In this release we introduce a new article type that allows you to publish the set buttons on any page of the CMS.


Communities: Articles for individual sections

Until now, publishing a community on a Web site was mostly done from a "pre-packaged" article. Adding a single article made almost all functionality visible at once. By creating separate articles for some parts of the community, you are a lot more flexible with the way you offer Communities to your participants.

These are the new article types:

  • Messages: This allows you to display individual messages from the entire community, from a group of channels, or from a specific channel. You can personalize this for the user by only showing posts from followed channels.
  • Channels: Allows you to show all channels or only the channels followed by the logged in user. It is also possible to show the total number of messages and/or the number of unread messages per channel.
  • Community menu: An item type for the entire menu bar, the drop-down menu with channels and your profile picture.
  • Filters: Shows the filters you have created in the backend. Clicking on a filter takes the user directly to a list of posts that fall within the filter.
    Search: Displays a search field to search through the community.


Communities: Search and add post on separate page

Both posting a new message and searching were displayed within Communitities in a window that was displayed óver the community page. As a result, it was not possible to link directly to these functionalities from anywhere. By giving them both their own page, this is now possible and searching (with filters) has also become more user-friendly.

Communities: Delete profile picture

As of this release, it is possible to delete profile photos that were previously uploaded.

Communities: Privacy on your own profile

Privacy-sensitive data, such as e-mail address and phone number, remained visible when viewing one's own profile. Even though participants had indicated they did not want to show this and it was hidden from others.

To give users more confidence around whether or not privacy-sensitive data is displayed, these are now also no longer visible when viewing one's own profile. If the user has indicated to hide them.

Communities: Quick search by community display name

Relations who are active within Communities have a display name within a community. It was already possible in the CRM to include a column in a relational list that made these user names visible. But now it is also possible to use the quick search bar in the CRM to search a relationship list by community display name. And thus also in public relation lists in the CMS.

The latter automatically means that it is also possible to search within a participant list in the community by display name. Not only useful to search for a specific participant, but also useful if you have thought of an appropriate name for yourself and want to know if it is still available.

The ability to search by community name can be set via list properties -> Manage quick search.


CRM: Function linking with organization based on email improved

Within the CRM it is possible to automatically link relations to an organization based on the domain used in the email address. This function link is set up within the CRM via 'Organization & People' and is described in this article. Because in some situations the function linking was dropped unfairly, we have made improvements to make the whole process more robust.

When creating or changing the relationship, we now look to see if the primary email address has changed and apply the following actions:

  • If the email address has not changed, we do nothing with existing job assignments
  • If the email address did change, we check whether a function link should exist with an organization at the old or new email address, based on the domain name and settings used
  • If a function link is no longer valid but still active due to the change in the email address, it will be terminated. If the function link is valid but not yet active, it will be created.

Finance: Filter by reminder step also available in 'Invoices'

If your organization uses multiple reminder steps to collect outstanding invoices, with this release it has become possible to gain insight into how many outstanding invoices a specific reminder has already been sent.


Finance: PSP DigiWallet connection

As of now we have a link with the payment service provider (PSP) DigiWallet to make online payments. We support the following payment methods for DigiWallet:

  • Ideal
  • Bancontact
  • Credit Card
  • PayPal


Mailings: DKIM signatures improved

Some spam filters check for the so-called 'envelop sender address' and in some cases this leads to the rejection of e-mail coming from our platform. As a result, in that particular situation e-mail is not delivered.

By improving the way we provide e-mail with a DKIM signature, this issue is now resolved and these e-mails are now also approved and delivered.

Meetings & Events: Option to issue payment authorization when registering for the reserve list

If you are using a reserve list for a paid meeting, participants on that list can now issue an authorization in case they are still able to attend. The authorization is then automatically converted to a collection order.

So it is now no longer necessary to coordinate individual payments with people on the reserve list who can still participate.

Membership: Fixed or custom expiration date subscription

When creating a new subscription type, the entry for the fixed expiration date has been improved. From now on, you can choose between a fixed expiration date of January 1st or a custom date. For a subscription with a duration of one year, the fixed expiration date is January 1 and for a subscription with a shorter duration, the fixed expiration date is the 1st of the month.

In addition, the entry of the 'adjusted' date is better checked for validity and you cannot choose a date 'later' than the 28th of a month.

Platform: Are you using a standard implementation?

From now on you can see at a glance if you are using a standard implementation. You can find this in the Help menu at the top right of the screen.
It helps you assess whether new functionality is immediately available to your organization. And if you submit a support ticket stating whether or not you have a standard implementation, we can serve you even better.


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