Case: Milieudefensie

Our dream is to eventually communicate one-on-one with all of our thousands of members. With Procurios' CRM, we are growing toward that goal.

Roel Mathies Data Specialist at Milieudefensie

November 2019: Milieudefensie enhances member engagement with an integrated CRM system

"With the new CRM system, we can move more towards 'event driven marketing'."

  • 110.000+ members and donors
  • 100+ employees
  • 35 departmens

I have never enjoyed implementing something so much. A lot of smart people work at Procurios

The private environmental organization is committed to a sustainable and fair Netherlands and sees itself as an ally of everyone who wants to contribute to that. And that's quite a few people, as Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) has over 110,000 members and donors and depends on their income for a large part. So when it became known that the previous CRM provider was stopping, the organization had to look for a party to transfer the complete member administration. An important job!"

Integrated and Therefore Personal

According to Roel, Procurios immediately emerged as one of the strongest players. 'Procurios has a very well-integrated platform where mailings, website visits, and gift registration communicate with each other. That's really the strength of the software.' This makes it possible for Milieudefensie to take a significant step forward in their marketing strategy. Roel: 'With four or five fundraising emails and a newsletter per year, we were quite old-fashioned. With this CRM system, we can move more towards 'event driven marketing.'

Milieudefensie works a lot with volunteers and local groups that are active on specific themes. Roel: 'With Procurios' CRM, we can also involve them better in our work. For example, by registering the skills we've trained them in and with products like Meetings & Events. We're also going to explore the Community product. In short, I think Procurios has even more to offer us to help us do our work better.'

Our dream is that one day we will be able to communicate one-on-one with all of our thousands of members. With this CRM, we are growing towards that goal


The CRM system makes it possible to send targeted information to Milieudefensie's members. A good example is the 'call-your-bank' campaign that Milieudefensie carried out shortly after implementing the Procurios CRM. Milieudefensie motivated members to engage in conversation with their bank about their investments. Many banks, for example, invested money in companies that cut down rainforests to establish palm oil plantations. 'Someone who just became a member and hasn't participated in other actions yet won't be likely to participate in this. That's why we send the invitation specifically to people who have been members for a longer time and who we know have, for example, already signed a petition against deforestation.' According to him, it's Milieudefensie's dream to be able to communicate one-on-one with each of their 110,000 members and donors. 'So that you can handle each contact at an individual level. With this CRM, we want to grow towards that goal.

The question behind the question

Roel spent a lot of time with the Procurios team responsible for implementing the new system. He is very positive about the way Procurios asks follow-up questions. 'They are very skilled at this at Procurios. They keep asking questions until they understand the need behind the question, to then offer the solution for that. Once that's clear, they get to work. Like: 'Is this what you mean?' That's a very powerful way of working.'

Cocreation with Procurios and Milieudefensie

Additionally, Procurios developed a new product in collaboration with Milieudefensie's Product Owner. The Insights add-on enables organizations to perform detailed campaign analysis. With this, Milieudefensie can track exactly what recruitment actions and campaigns yield. Roel: 'For example, if we organize a debate about air pollution, we can see exactly whether participants registered through Facebook, de Volkskrant, or through our own website. With the Insights add-on, you can track precisely what works best. This way, we discover, for example, that people who are concerned about air pollution are best reached through Facebook. We can then respond to that.

With the Insights add-on, we can see exactly what recruitment actions and campaigns yield, and Milieudefensie can respond to this when communicating with members

Pleasant and Clear System

That the new CRM functions smoothly became even clearer to Roel when the call center that works for Milieudefensie started using it. The call center handles 'retention calls' and calls donors and members who want to cancel, Roel explains. 'They work with CRM systems from many different clients. I gave them one hour of explanation about the new system after it went live. After that, I never received any questions from them. I only heard that it's a pleasant and clear system.'

In the past, Roel guided CRM migrations a few times before. According to him, those always caused some irritation. With Procurios, it's different. 'Other times there was always a point where I thought: "I'm done with this, I'm pulling the plug." I never had that here,' says Roel. 'A lot of smart people work here who are pleasant to work with.'

Customer stories: This is what our customers think of the Procurios platform

Stephan Loerke at World Federation of Advertisers

Many organisations think that they're unique and that off-the-shelf software such as Procurios will limit them. But in fact, it's the opposite!

Profile picture of Stephan Loerke
Stephan Loerke CEO at World Federation of Advertisers

Liesbeth Baldee at Harteraad

Procurios proved to be the right match not only because of its affordable software and capabilities, but also because the system turned out to be very accessible to use.

Profile picture of Liesbeth Baldee
Liesbeth Baldee Office Manager at Harteraad

Folko de Haan at Groenlinks

The system is user-friendly and saves us a tremendous amount of work. It has a logical structure: you quickly figure out how everything works.

Profile picture of Folko de Haan
Folko de Haan datamarketeer at Groenlinks

Pascale Braeckman at Willemsfonds

We are very satisfied with our collaboration with Procurios and definitely recommend it to other associations: because it's one integrated system, far fewer mistakes are made

Profile picture of Pascale Braeckman
Pascale Braeckman Communications Officer at Willemsfonds

Karin Burghouwt at Royal VEMW

By working so intensively with the Procurios team, we gained a lot of insight into how to begin, where to invest valuable time, and discovering what's truly necessary and what isn't.

Profile picture of Karin Burghouwt
Karin Burghouwt Secretary association affairs at Royal VEMW

Gieneke Flohr at ChristenUnie

Because we now have all the information in one system, much more can be done automatically.

Profile picture of Gieneke Flohr
Gieneke Flohr functional administrator at ChristenUnie

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