MOS and Procurios

'We have more energy left for substantive matters that contribute to a future-proof association'

A partnership aimed at future-proof associations

June 2024: Working with fresh energy on future-proof associations

How can we ensure that associations retain as much energy as possible for their core purpose? Three years ago, association agency MOS and Procurios entered into a strategic partnership. Together we develop concrete plans to prepare associations for the future.

The Procurios platform provides associations with a solid technological foundation to support them in all their daily operations. MOS focuses its services on issues such as the optimal development of associations in the market and society.

In 2021, MOS switched to a new IT infrastructure, the Procurios platform. Three years have passed since then, and during this time, MOS and Procurios have built a fruitful collaboration. The migration was a time-consuming project and proved to be a good way to get to know each other. MOS Director Raimond Fifis: "During the project, we worked together very intensively. We encountered various obstacles that we overcame together, giving us a strong foundation for collaboration." Procurios Director Manon Vollmann agrees: "The collaboration is pleasant and constructive at all levels, both at the management level and with consultants and association managers. We are major partners and dependent on each other. It's great that both parties are open and transparent."

The role of digitalization 

The shared vision of MOS and Procurios is to focus on future-proof association management. A characteristic of a mature and future-proof association is the degree of digitalization. Raimond: "When you use your applications optimally, you limit the extent to which you're busy with tasks like manually entering data. This creates more time and energy to focus on substantive matters that contribute to developing the association."

Developing together 

A crucial requirement from MOS when entering into a strategic partnership was having a say in the products, but especially to develop them jointly. Manon: "MOS takes an active role in Procurios' user group and contributes numerous ideas for new functionalities. For example, marketing automation became available earlier this year, which helps guide members step by step towards greater engagement. The platform's connection to accounting has also become much easier."

Associations experiencing success have greater digital maturity

A successful association displays various characteristics. Besides the degree of digitalization, the association's organizational structure plays an important role, as well as how it creates member engagement. Raimond: "With engaged and active members, your association is more dynamic, and the chance is greater that members will contribute to your association. Applications are important in this regard because they can support the growth of member engagement." MOS has a unified system for its clients: the Procurios platform, which contains all necessary functionalities to grow and increase member engagement. This includes support for all daily association operations such as e-invoicing, communication, and customer management. In 2024, MOS aims to focus on facilitating online and offline communities to bring together members seeking connection through their profession or shared passion. These communities are the result of a carefully orchestrated process with various steps. One of the steps is setting up an online community platform. Procurios developed a community app with various functionalities to increase member engagement.

'Building Blocks for Association Success' Report 

Raimond en Manon - MOS en ProcuriosNow, after three years of productive collaboration, MOS and Procurios have compiled their knowledge and experience with associations and their development into a research report. The findings of that report were shared on March 1st during the knowledge event 'Building Blocks for Association Success'. The event marked the first tangible result of their strategic partnership. One of the main research findings from the report is that associations experiencing success have greater digital maturity. And that associations meeting a few essential characteristics, such as an open organizational structure, recognizable target group policy, and a clear profile, experience more success. Raimond: "At the event, association representatives engaged in discussions to gain new insights. Given the enthusiasm with which participants shared knowledge and experience about future-proof association management, I look back on a very successful meeting." Manon adds: "Our visions on associations and digitalization align with each other. It's a shared perspective that comes together nicely in the report."

Onderzoeksrapport Verenigingssucces

Wat zijn de kenmerken voor een succesvolle vereniging? MOS en Procurios deden gezamenlijk onderzoek naar essentiële kenmerken van succesvolle verenigingen en hun digitale volwassenheid

  • Hoe succesvol zijn respondenten?
  • Aan welke kenmerken voor succesvolle verenigingen voldoen de respondenten zich?
  • Hoe digitaal volwassen zijn de respondenten?
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Afbeelding van de voorzijde van het rapport Verenigingssucces

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Customer stories: This is what our customers think of the Procurios platform

Geert Hendriks at Adra

Tijdens de demo konden we zien hoe het systeem functioneert; het gemak van het platform sprong eruit! De gebruiksvriendelijkheid, in combinatie met de prijs, hebben ons positief doen beslissen.

Profile picture of Geert Hendriks
Geert Hendriks directeur at Adra

Roel Mathies at Milieudefensie

Our dream is to eventually communicate one-on-one with all of our thousands of members. With Procurios' CRM, we are growing toward that goal.

Profile picture of Roel Mathies
Roel Mathies Data Specialist at Milieudefensie

Tom Ysewijn at Oxfam-Wereldwinkels

The knowledge you have in-house is worth gold! This distinguishes you from other companies we've encountered along our way.

Profile picture of Tom Ysewijn
Tom Ysewijn digitale communicatie at Oxfam-Wereldwinkels

Sander Joziasse at Christ's Hope

Procurios has transformed our outreach: we now deliver tailored messages to precisely defined audience segments.

Profile picture of Sander Joziasse
Sander Joziasse Operations Manager at Christ's Hope

Jan Willem at MissieNederland

If we had not done this project with Procurios, we would never have been able to respond so quickly.

Profile picture of Jan Willem
Jan Willem Head of Marketing & Communications at MissieNederland

Inge Pauwels at Solidagro

We now work faster and more efficiently. We raise more funds and can target our donors more precisely. We experience many benefits from the Procurios platform.

Profile picture of Inge Pauwels
Inge Pauwels Educational Officer at Solidagro

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