Submit a privacy complaint

Do you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal data? Please file a formal complaint with our Data Protection Officer below.

  • Contact info not mandatory

Je mag je klacht anoniem indienen, dus je contactgegevens zijn niet verplicht. 
Wens je toch een reactie te ontvangen? Laat dan wel contactgegevens achter.

Cookies on our website

This website uses cookies to function properly. If you want to change which cookies we may use, you can change your cookie settings. More information is available in our cookie statement.

Cookie settings

Essential cookies 12 cookies

You receive strictly necessary cookies, because they are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. You cannot disable these cookies.
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Preferences 1 cookies

This website stores your preferences so they can be applied during your next visit.
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Analysis 6 cookies

This website analyses how it is being used, so that its functionality can be amended and improved. The data collected is anonymous.
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Tracking 12 cookies

This website analyses your visit, so its content can be tailored to your needs.
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External 0 cookies

This website makes use of external functionalities such as social media sharing options.

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