Substantive, approachable and flexible. That's Procurios.
“During the introductory meeting with Procurios, it immediately became substantive. We really liked that,” says Paul Kleingeld, webmaster of CPS educational development and advice. “We wanted a system with which we could use content marketing for our organization in a good and easy way. In 2012, content marketing seemed like the future to us, especially for our organization. With, among other things, the CMS from Procurios, this form of marketing has certainly been successful for CPS over the past four years.”
During the first meeting, developers immediately came along, not just the project manager. So it immediately became substantive.
Automate marketing
“CPS is ideally suited for content marketing. We employ many specialists who provide content in the form of blogs, white papers and articles about education.” Paul explains this further: “We believe that you should first give something away to a potential customer before you contact this customer. We do this in the form of content. With the modules we use from Procurios we can partly automate our content marketing strategy. We keep track of how often and by what means a customer contacts us, for which he receives points. When a certain number of points is reached, a new action automatically follows. For example, sending a mailing or calling the customer. We set up this entire system together with Procurios.”
Approachable and substantive
Paul was enthusiastic about the organization from the first meeting. “During the first introduction, developers immediately came along, not just the project manager. So it immediately became substantive. Procurios is focused on the customer's wishes and in thinking along with the customer. I also noticed that the people at Procurios are very approachable and accessible. They listen carefully to what you want. You have quick contact with the team and they are easy to deal with. That's nice when you have questions about the system.”
We want to change or add many things to the system ourselves. That's never actually a problem, there's always a lot that can be done
Everything is possible
“We started working on the content and templates ourselves. My responsibility, among other things, is to explain the CMS to people in our organization,” says Paul. “You need to know how the logic of the system works, how the structure of pages works. But once you understand that, the system is very flexible and you can easily work with it yourself. From the CMS we have further expanded the system with Procurios through updates, but also by developing new modules together. We want to change or add many things to the system ourselves. That's never actually a problem, there's always a lot that can be done. Procurios consistently demonstrates receptiveness to our evolving requirements. I am still very satisfied with it.”